Maternal health occupational therapy for Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders

So you had a blissful pregnancy, the most beautiful baby shower, and top it off with stunning pregnancy pictures! Then you gave birth, came home, and can’t seem to access that bliss anymore. It’s as if it flew out the window and left you in a dark room with no flashlight…and an infant who needs you 24/7. You’ve heard of baby blues, the gray feeling that can come soon after birth and lets up after a couple weeks, but it has been several weeks now and blue doesn’t quite touch how you’re feeling. You try to turn to your doctor, but they just tell you it’s normal and send you off. After searching for glimmers of relief, you’re officially in the trenches of a Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder, or PMAD. 

Although it may not feel like it when you’re in the deep end, there are many different professionals who are qualified to really help you by meeting you where you’re at. So how does occupational therapy fit into this picture?

Matrescence Occupational Therapy takes a multifaceted approach to PMADs including practical, mental health, physical, and social supports. 

Practical Support

PMADs can be stressed by disorganization in routine and setting. After giving birth, your home may be cluttered with bottles, pump parts, baby laundry and boxes of diapers. On top of that, you don’t have the same ability to clean and organize as you used to. Hopelessness may follow as you sit in your messy home, trying to remember how nice it looks under the chaos. As occupational therapists, we can come into your home and find real solutions such as schedule/routine creation (and tips for keeping up with it!), home organization tips that are within your capabilities, and tips to optimize your days so you spend them doing more of what you need to do, have to do and feels good.

Mental Health Support

Gayle and Jessica with Matrescence Occupational Therapy are trained and certified with Postpartum Support International as Perinatal Mental Health Professionals. This means we are very qualified to recognize PMAD’s and create a pathway out. Recognizing is the first step, you’re not crazy, and this won’t last forever. 

Physical Support

The postpartum body can be shocking to new moms! Between leaking breasts, a swollen belly, potential surgical scars or vaginal tears, it’s safe to say you may not feel the love for your postpartum body right away. This can add to mood changes after pregnancy as you try to answer the questions “what do I do with this new body?” We step in with our knowledge on how to strengthen whatever needs support, identifying what’s normal, what’s not normal, and sharing tools on navigating daily life that will support your postpartum healing journey. 

Social Support

While we recognize we can help in many different ways, we also know that it’s best to have a team of professionals who specialize in the spots you need it. This may be a lactation consultant, a pelvic floor therapist, or a postpartum doula. We prioritize staying plugged into the community of birth and postpartum professionals here in Austin to ensure we know who to connect our patients with! We can also make sure you’re connected with other moms so you can start building your village

We’re here for you

The transition postpartum can be harder for some than others for so many different reasons. Once you realize you can’t find your footing, we are here to help you find your new normal so you can be the parent you want to be deep down. We can be a consistent presence in a time of unfamiliarity and change. Click here to schedule a free consultation to learn more about how we support moms navigating PMADs.

If you or anyone you know needs immediate support with PMADs, reach Postpartum Support International’s warm line by texting “help” to 1-800-944-4773 to receive unbiased, anonymous assistance.

Occupational therapy for mothers can help support the mental and physical health of mothers, babies, and their families. If you think you might benefit from seeing an occupational therapist (OT) through your transition to motherhood, schedule a free consultation to see how we can help.

Matrescence Occupational Therapy is a concierge occupational therapy practice that specializes in providing individualized support during preconception, postpartum, and beyond. We are happy to serve families in Austin, Texas and surrounding communities.


Preconception Support in Austin


Revillaging - Building Your Village From Scratch