Infant Feeding

Lactation, breastfeeding, bottle feeding & transition to solid foods

makes the feeding dream work


Feeding your baby is high stakes, and it can come with many challenges. Breastfeeding may not feel natural at all. If you are formula feeding, pumping or something in between, it’s not so straight forward either. Add in concerns about weight gain, milk transfer, breastmilk supply, tongue tie and a million options for baby formula, bottles and nipples, and no wonder you feel overwhelmed. And that is all before baby even starts solids! If you’re feeling this way, we’ve got you. With specialty training in lactation, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, infant formula, and oral motor development, we can be your guide through navigating infant feeding and beyond.

Breastfeeding and Lactation Support



Oral Motor and Feeding Skills


Tongue Tie



Transition to or from bottle

Bottle strikes or ref


Choosing a bottle system

Open cup & straw drinking

Transitions to solids

Solids Readiness

Pickiness and Aversion

Oral Motor Play

Transition to Solid Foods

Choosing gear

Support for

Breastfeeding & Lactation

Lactation and breastfeeding is more than bringing a baby and breast together. It is a delicate dance of positioning, anatomy, cues, responsiveness, and physiology. Our occupational therapists and lactation professionals can help guide you through problem-solving breastfeeding challenges that impact both mom and baby. Some examples may include latch, pre and post tongue tie release, positioning, and oral motor coordination and strength.

Support for

Bottle Feeding

Bottle feeding involves a lot of different moving parts by the parent or caregiver and the infant. Formula choices, pumping schedules, feeding aversions, bottle and nipple selection can be overwhelming. And when you’re going back to work, you want to know that whoever is caring for baby can get them fed. With specialized training in infant feeding, we can help you select a bottle system and routine that works well for the caregiver and the baby. We can help you navigate combo feeding, bottle feeding aversions and prepare for a transition of feeding responsibility to childcare

Support for

Transition to Solid Foods

If it feels like you may just have gotten milk figured out and now it’s time for solids, don’t panic! Introducing solid foods to baby is meant to be a gradual process that allows time for practice and exposure to different textures. We encourage food and oral-motor exploration — it really is more than just for fun for baby. These eating skills also strengthen the muscles and coordination that coincide with speech. There are different ways to introduce solid foods, open cup and straw drinking safely and confidently, and we can show you how this can be fun for both you and baby.