Easy Foods for Starting Solids

One of the most exciting moments in year 1 of parenthood is when you get to see the expressions your baby makes as they try different foods for the first time.

You’re sure to swoon over the different faces they will come up with to tell you how delicious or how yucky something is (as if you couldn’t swoon over your babe any harder!). Eating food is such a fun part of being alive, but it can be overwhelming to figure out which foods are best for your baby. To simplify, look at these 3 factors when deciding if a certain food is baby friendly or not.

Safety: Is the texture and size of this food appropriate for your baby's development? It should be soft enough to smash between your thumb and forefinger and easy for them to pick up. Round and firm foods that do not change shape are less safe. More on safe food sizes and shapes here.

Balance: Are you offering a variety of food groups? It can be easy to want to give your baby what they love a lot of the time, especially when they make that cute face or use their sign language to ask for more! But it’s important for them to taste the rainbow and experiment with all the flavors and textures out there.

Nutrition: Is this food providing your baby with nutrients that support their development? Think less extra ingredients = more nutrition. Start simple!

A lot of these questions are the same things you’d ask when choosing foods for yourself. So overall, try not to over complicate it. You may have heard frequently, “food before one is just for fun”! We want to clarify that - food before one is for fun, because baby gets to explore and play with it. Also, the main source of nutrition before one year old is still milk - either mother’s or formula. We want to remove the “just”. So many skills are learned and practiced by introducing solids to your child when they are ready!

Here’s some simple, safe and nutritious foods your baby can start their solids journey with!


Bananas are full of a variety of nutrients that support your baby's development. Potassium helps to manage hydration and supports the muscles he will use to crawl and climb all over. The fiber in bananas can also help move digestion along!

How should you offer it?

Bananas are best served to your baby broken into thirds. They can also be served mashed or cut into small pieces. Once your baby develops his motor skills more, you can offer it to him with most of the peel on and watch as he enjoys learning to peel it himself!

Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are a great source of protein. Their mild taste and interesting texture makes them a great starter food. They’re full of Omega-3 fatty acids and choline that nourish the developing infant brain.

How should you offer it?

Try cooking them in grass fed butter for an extra nutritional boost (or avocado oil if your baby is dairy free) and offer straight up in pieces that are easy for your baby to grab.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes contain loads of beta-carotene that turns into vitamin A, which supports your baby’s vision and brain development! They’re also a great source of carbohydrates and fiber!

How should you offer it?

Cut the sweet potato into 2-3 in long wedges, toss in avocado oil and paprika and roast until soft. Another option is to boil and mash to serve as a dip!


Oats are full of fiber and vitamins B and E , as well as zinc and iron! Eating oatmeal will allow your baby to experiment with using a spoon, he will master it in no time! We recommend shopping at EZPZ for top of the line utensils for your little one. ( P.S. You can use code MOMSOT for 10% off your order!)

How should you offer it?

Try to get oatmeal with as little additives as possible, just oats will do! Cook the oats in water or breastmilk until they’re very soft and serve with a spoon. Add foods like chia seeds, butter, or mashed banana for an added nutrition boost!

Pro Tips

Don’t be afraid to season your baby’s food! While they might not enjoy anything spicy, they can enjoy new worlds of flavor with seasonings like herbs, high quality salts, paprika or cumin.

Adapt your dinner in small ways to suit your baby. You don’t need to make your baby a separate dinner from your own! Your little one will enjoy eating the same foods as you at the dinner table, just make small adjustments as needed so they’re safe for him!

Let your baby lead the way. Not all babies are interested in solids right away! Once your baby has shown signs of readiness, follow his lead. If he’s constantly trying to steal your snacks, chances are he’s ready to dive in. If he turns away from food or doesn’t seem interested, trust his process and wait until he gives you the green light!

Join us for more learning!

Feeling a little bit more prepared to leap into the world of solids? We’re hosting an in person class to cover this topic and many more on Saturday August 5th at Austin Doula Care and would love to see you there! Register below, or contact us for more information.

Occupational therapy for mothers can help support the mental and physical health of mothers, babies, and their families. If you think you might benefit from seeing an occupational therapist (OT) through your transition to motherhood, schedule a free consultation to see how we can help.

Matrescence Occupational Therapy is a concierge occupational therapy practice that specializes in providing individualized support during preconception, postpartum, and beyond. We are happy to serve families in Austin, Texas and surrounding communities.


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